Monday, September 17, 2012

Various Climbing
Various kinds of rock climbing is devoted following for those who want to know more about rock climbing outdoor activities or for those who want more in more in these activities. Please note and to increase your knowledge of all the vocabulary. Love nature by getting to know the terrain in the open.

Regarded as a pure form of the sport of rock climbing is climbing problem / short route that most baseball is too high (about 3 m) with no safety rope. Usually the route horizontal / sideways. Safety is used usually crash pad or a soft mat so that when they fall or not medarat leg pain / hurt.

Almost the same as just bouldering climbing arena rather than natural cliff rather artificial construction manuasia not built for sports such as rock climbing buildings, bridges, towers, poles, etc..
Climbing with a rope that can be likened to a rope bucket disumur. Bucket regarded as a climber, penimba considered pembelay pulley while considered a safety anchor (anchor) situated on the cliff tops. At the time the climbers begin climbing rope that floats / extended (slack) drawn by pembelay so if the climber falls he will not fall to the ground but hung like a bucket dipper that hung in the middle of the well. After climbing up dipuncak, pembelay stretched ropes to lower the climber to the ground.

Lead Climbing
There are two kinds of Sport Climbing and Traditional (Trad) Climbing. Unlike toproping where rope tied to the climber and Karabiner stalling at the top and back down to the belayer tied, the lead climbing rope is not sticking to safety at the top of the cliff rather than directly to the climber's belayer. At the time the climbers begin climbing rope belayer held, then at a certain height interval (eg every 3 meters) climbers continue to install safety devices, if he falls, the belayer will lock the rope and the climber will hang on a rope that extend up to the last safety device he pairs.

Differences of Sport and Trad Climbing climbing route is from. Sport climbing on the climbing route in bolted umumya means at a certain height interval was perforated metal (hanger) attached / taped (using a nut and sometimes glue) on the wall of the cliff. Climbers must take some quickdraws (Karabiner pair bound by a sling / strong nylon rope). The climbers clip a carabiner in QuickDraw is the existing bolt cliff wall and then clip the rope on the other karabiner.

While on Trad Climbing, climbing wall really - really clean from bolts and hangers, baseball artificial safety mounted on the wall. Usually done by two people. The climbers must bring their own safdty equipment and put it on while climbing. When the rope is running out to make the first climber to belay station membelay second climber. The second climber before membelay climbers first started rock climbing and cleaning (take back) safety device mounted on the wall of the cliff by the first climber. Safety device used in Trad Climbing can be friends / cams, nuts, tricams, hexagon, etc. bigbro. This equipment is expensive and can not get a little, you should have several sets consisting of various sizes in order to climb the route is safe and well. Some sets are then called RACK (read: shelves).

Free Solo
That category of rock climbing undertaken alone (without a partner) on a high cliff with no rope. Tools used just a pair of climbing shoes with the bag of lime. Type of climbing is only done by professionals who have long wrestled with the cliff. Free solo climber usually wise to climb route he knew well, and he was climbing again - this time with the belt. He also knew his limits and never considered difficult climbing routes. Even if he is stuck in the middle of the road he dared to retreat back down to the bottom and not daring to continue climbing to the top of the cliff. Two free soloer very famous John Bachar (USA) and Peter Croft (Canada).

All types of climbing above the entrance into class FREE CLIMBING meaning when climbing, the climber uses only hands and feet and climb the cliff to reach the end of the route is upward climb. You can not pull the rope quickdraws, step bolts, hanging on a rope during climbing. The second category is AID CLIMBING. Aid means tools, in this class do not care how, with a variety of tools, even a ladder made of rope, you can get to the top. Are included in this category are:

Big Wall Climbing
Climbing is usually done days and - days by camping on the cliff climbing. The climbers carry a variety of tools to facilitate access to the vertical. This type of rock climbing the most needed tools, because not only tools but also climbing camping equipment, etc..

Three other rock types, namely Ice Climbing (ice climbing), Mixed Climbing (climbing mixed rock and ice climbing) and the Mountaineering / Alpine Climbing (climbing a mountain - the high mountain passes mountain snow, glaciers and peaks - top of the hill)

Each climber usually start career of bouldering climbing cliff, then toproping for a period of time until he believes himself to move into lead climbing. There is an impression that the climber has not really - really do rock climbing when the level is not up to the Lead Climbing.

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